lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

a new stile of theatre

With the reopening of the theater 1594. Sheakespeare is associated with the colleague|partner of Lord Chamberlain who was a cousin of the king|queen Lord Almiral.
it|he|she joined to the colleague|partner of Ricard II. it Is the big|great oportunita for Shakespeare: in little more than two years Romeo i Juliet will write, the dream of a night of summer the merchant of Venecia, l'amansment of the polecat.
The government only authorizes the child representations, but these still end up having a critical tone more corrusiu than those of the adults.
Shakespeare criticizes this environment in one of the most extensive dramas that Enric IV writes, a work played the lead in by the Felstaff sarcastic and dismade angry (a character that Shakespeare retrieves in Les Algres married of Windsor).
Three works have as protagonistas determined youngsters that, mistake of sensible men, they adopt the paper|role of boys; A lot of noise for nothing, In your taste and Night of kings.
1597, obligatory for the owner of the terrain to leave "The theatre" the men of Lord Chamberlain they see themselves forced to acting in "The curtain".
The night of Christmas of 1598, d'amagat, take away the wood and the trasllladen to the another band|side of the Tàmesi, where construyesen "The Globe".
The translation that Thomas North had just made from Plutarc facilitates it|him|her the necessary históric material to throw endevant its|his|her|their new project placing it|her in Rome

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